Winter Wellness Walks

Can be every bit as enjoyable as the other seasons!

The main difference, is you just need to be a bit more prepared in the winter months…especially in how you dress. You should be a bit more aware of the weather forecast, and maybe pack an extra snack…not for the critters, but for yourself!

Best of both worlds…I can enjoy the forest
and hear the waves, at the same time!
Cool crisp air…
makes for rosy red cheeks!
I had to be a bit more cautious today, after the recent windstorm. I expected there would be some branches down across the path…
however, this was a bit more than I expected!
Be prepared to go around…or under or even over downed trees!
Sometimes you just have to concede though,
and turn around the way you came in.
One thing I really like about Bagley’s Trail, is the loop at the end,
that lets you circle back around.
Unless, of course, there are several trees blocking the loop!
Ok, I was NOT prepared for more than one thing… there is part of the trail going in that tends to be muddy and wet, especially after a rainfall.
Today, there were frigid -6 degree temperatures! I made sure I had mittens, scarf and winter coat..however I had neglected proper footwear. I guess it’s time to leave my sneakers home, and start wearing my hikers.
I hadn’t planned on a Wellness Walk…but after the crazy weather we’ve been having, and too many grey days, I was happy to “just do it!”
Fresh air… the thought of blue skies… were quickly squashed
by an unexpected hail squall! (Is that a thing?!)
Snow flurries came and went, all within an hour or so!
So maybe in winter months, you know to expect cooler temps, but be prepared for more sudden changes in precipitation!
Just days before Christmas’23, Southern NB saw high winds and
extended power outages. Grand Manan was lucky to be able to fall back on our emergency generator this time. Many parts of NB, and especially
Charlotte County, were not so lucky.
All in all, Grand Mananers are a resilient bunch.
Roads got cleared, the power was restored.
The trails suffered somewhat, and we will see the aftermath of winter storms for months, maybe years down the road.

So pull up your wooden socks and mittens, and carry on…just be prepared for whatever comes your way! I’ll still be posting Wellness Walks, just a little more sporadically through colder weather!

Make sure you have this on your Christmas wish list!
Hubby found mine at Indigo!
(Don’t tell him, but it’s the same one he got me last year! Shhh!)

Autumn Wellness Walks

Fall has to be my very favorite time for walking in the woods…of course. Only after winter! (Who am I kidding?! Nothing beats walking in a winter wonderland after a freshly fallen snow!!

My biggest issue with autumn walks is hunting season… but if you wear some hunter-safety orange, you might be good to go. I prefer choosing places where I know hunting is not allowed… like the Anchorage Park.

I was reminiscing about my daily walks last year beneath all the colored leaves, and crunching underfoot. I was working on PEI with Red Cross, and had found a great park close to my work place… the Rotary Friendship Park. If you happen to be in Summerside, it really is worth the effort to find. It was tucked in behind the hospital, and had so many trails, I decided to choose a different on each day to explore.

There were so many trails, and a great map to show the distances, so you could plan accordingly
It was a beautiful fall in 2022, too.
It took awhile for all the trails to open up. The reason I was in PEI in the first place, was to help with the Hurricane Fiona disaster registrations. The park had suffered quite a bit damage, too.

Fast forward, 2023 and I was walking the newly renovated trail at the Anchorage Park. They shared some common things I liked about both…well packed earth (make for easier walking); nice wide paths (making it easier to share, and lots of room to share with strollers); well marked trail to follow; NO ATVs, and occasional critters to share space with! The one thing I enjoy about our trail, is a quick detour has you walking on a sandy beach in no time, nearby!

We have an island full of beautiful trails and footpaths. We also have a great trail association with volunteers that look after deadfall, and make sure the path is clear.

We also have a few residents that have never been able to experience this natural beauty around us. They’ve been bound to a wheelchair, or their personal mobility issues make walking on uneven ground too great a danger to their health. I love our many trails…and I love it even more, now that some hard work has gone into cleaning things up, and these folks and their families are able to enjoy it even more.

Look at all these terrific trails our island can boast about!

The Red Trail is the best known of all, because it encompasses most of the island circumference. Beginner as well as novice hikers can join on at many spots, and complete a little or a lot of the trail, depending on experience, and weather conditions. If one has mobility limitations however, most of this is not accessible. See that little stretch of blue trail at the bottom of the map, by Long Pond Bay? Not even 25% of that has been touched this week for improvements. Twenty Five. Surely we can do better to make it all inclusive, all accessible. This is just the first phase of reconstruction. I keep thinking of TJ and Donna, when a tiny portion of our trails can be enjoyed by their two beautiful daughters. It will be so great when we can share another small part of our world with them!

Soon, girls.

Island Fest 2023

This year, Grand Manan is hosting the Island Fest on August 4 through 6. I was thrilled to be asked if I would host my Sunrise Wellness Walk again. Although sunrise at Swallowtail is my very favorite morning trek, we ran into a bit of a snag this summer.

This WAS the original plan…but now we’ve had a change!
As you can see, our beloved Swallowtail has been undergoing some changes!
I’ve been respectful of the crew working out there, and keeping my distance. I was shocked to hear not everyone has, and common sense, is not so common. Thus the need to protect us all.

So I’ve changed the venue for my Wellness Walk…. But not the time!

Castalia Marsh has some lovely sunrise scenes, too!

Swallowtail has been my favorite, because I get some extra exercise as well. Skipping down the stairs, a short walk over the bridge and through some trees makes for a very pleasant cardio jaunt up to the helicopter pad! Once there, it is such a beautiful space for morning mindfulness. The taste of salt air on your lips… the soft glow of the upcoming sun… the sound of seals exploring the weirs below…the spray of a whale off in the distance…

Then the walk back downhill to enjoy the bench beside the lighthouse. Yes, this is purely a magical start to the day. A few words of gratitude to God, for all He has laid out before me, as well as the warmth of the streak of rising sun coming across the water to meet my face… AHHH!

Now I can begin my day! An hour later, I’m ready to climb back up those stairs, and watch the squirrels send me on my way with their morning chatter.


This year I invite you to join me at Castalia Marsh for the sunrise!

Castalia Marsh offers some spectacular sunrises, over Long Island

Depending on the time of year, the sun may appear on either side, or even above Long Island.

So I hope you’ll join me for this years Island Fest Wellnes Walk!

Oh….and since you are enjoying the festival, why not tag along wth a little friend to Bagley’s Trail at the Anchorage? Dalton and I have been putting together a fun Scavenger Hunt at one of our favorite walking trails!

All ages are invited to come along between August 4th-6th,
between 9am and 5 pm.
This is a self guided scavenger hunt/wellness walk, where 20 items will be hidden along the trail. Be on the look out for bunnies, squirrels and eagles as well!

What a great way to show the next generation the joys of our trails, and our Anchorage Park. Maybe we’ll see you there!

And don’t forget Saturday morning! We will see you at the Market! Dalton will have coffee, and his chili and pulled pork for lunch!

A day of Priorities by the Water

I was fortunate enough to land a gig working on the North Head Fisherman’s Wharf recently, meeting the passengers from The Pearl Mist cruise ship. Although it was a very long day, the weather was fairly pleasant, and it afforded me a day for one of my favourite activities, Being Still.

We spent much of the day in our “office”, at the end of the dock waiting for the tender to bring passengers back and forth from the main ship, or from the tour bus that was waiting on the wharf.

The day actually went by pretty quickly. I would take a few breaks here and there; just exploring the wharf, or heading over to the ferry ticket office for bathroom breaks. The temperatures ranged from 10 degrees in the morning, up to 18 in the afternoon. There was just enough breeze to put sparkles on the water. Of course, I forgot my sunscreen 🤦🏼‍♀️🌞

The day was overcast with lots of sunny breaks, but even those breaks were hazy from the recent wildfires out in western Canada. The seagulls were plentiful, and were grateful for fish bait left in the charred remains of the Special K fisheries buildings, just lost last week to fire. Our visitors were surprised to learn such a small space once housed such a large enterprise, and even larger, it’s impact on our island community.

Back in October, on the Pearl Mist’s last visit, the weather was a different story. It was windy, cold, and a damp mist switched back and forth to rain. The passengers were still upbeat, and made the most of their day. Some opted for a walk-about in picturesque North Head, while others were content with a bus tour of the island. We were grateful for a fisherman that brought his boat over and left it tied up for us to jump on during any surprise showers. Thanks, Herb!

Armed with plenty of snacks and my thermos of Dalton’s Chili, I was ready for the day. The folks were really nice; travelling from many different points in the US, from North Carolina, Florida, Texas and Maine, to name but a few. We smiled politely at some of the typical tourist questions, and I was happy to relay favourite things about “my” island. No, there is no Tim Hortons nearby, and no, you won’t find a Walmart for your necessities. No, there isn’t a bar nearby to get a drink. No, you can’t walk to the liquor store. Yes, you can hike to Swallowtail, but your walker might slow you down. No, the energetic, athletic type couldn’t understand why he couldn’t hike to Dark Harbour, as the tour map we gave him was kind of deceiving…it really is more than two inches away, and you likely won’t catch your tender back to the ship in time for supper. The other athletic fellow was happy to rent an e-bike for the afternoon, but was surprised he couldn’t quite make it up the hill on Swallowtail Road. He was still happy to enjoy the scenery. The ladies that loved the museum tour, also enjoyed a trip into the Great Canadian Dollar Store, and were surprised to see our library situated in the school. They were pleasantly greeted by two young ladies that helped them get in the locked building, then in to view the library itself. Once inside, they loved seeing the various ages of patrons. They were very excited to learn one was more than likely my friend Ruthie, helping a young Ukranian Newcomer learn our language. A couple of stories that stuck with me, was the middle aged gentleman that hasn’t been on a cruise since he was a child, with his family on a Disney cruise. His parents had booked this cruise in the fall, but his father since passed away, so his mom asked him to travel with her. How beautiful! One elderly lady wanted to go on a walking tour of North Head. She wanted to see the lighthouse, so would opt for the bus tour in the afternoon, and go walking in the morning. When she returned, I asked how she liked the view. I suggested it was even better if you went out on the point, assuming she would have stayed up top by the bench…but nooooo…lol she said she was going to see the lighthouse, and made a point of going all the way out… at 80 some plus years! Kudos to you; I have friends that won’t venture down the stairs, let alone across the bridge and out to the foghorn. I almost asked if her name was Vera, but upon checking her in, I discovered it was not!

We got to talk with some of the crew as we waited for the returning bus. Some spend many months of the year far away from home, happy to see cruise ship season end, so they can be reunited with their families overseas.

As always, I’m grateful for the gang I get to work with. Each of us have a different slant on island life with varying backgrounds, but we all agree, it’s a pretty great place to call home, and we make it a priority to share our gratitude with others. Harbour Authority is pretty lucky to have our Mayor work for them, too and sees the potential to share this island life with people from around the globe. Thanks Bonnie, for making island way of life a priority!

Let’s connect!

Whether you are looking for a one time session, or a few weeks, to get yourself back on track, or just sort through present day, there are a couple of ways we can do this.

*Heather Stillufen artwork

Reach out anytime by email,

Or text me at 506-662-4246

*Heather Stillufen artwork

Can’t seem to commit to a day/time? Last minute works best for you? Sometimes last minute works for me, too! Message me to get added to my daily prompts of available appointment times that day. Be sure to add me to your contact list as HB Motivates 💕📞 Just text “stop now” anytime, to end notifications.

Northsiders beware!

Heather is heading North!

I am excited to be part of The Ville, in Marysville (Northside of Fredericton), Carole Forbe’s recent endeavour. I am so thrilled to see Carole open this space for her gallery amongst with other crafts people and their creative ideas. I will be hosting a Fall Creative Series through October and November/ Stay tuned for details!

These are my course offerings for October and November, for Wednesday afternoons. I’ll post details below. Please make sure you message me, even if you can’t come that day…then I will know which ones could be repeated on another date.

Wellness in a Box

I thought I would share a little something I recently found at Winners. I honestly picked it up three times, and set it back down, thinking to myself I already have tons of Wellness “things” at home.

In the end, I decided it was only $10, and I would likely spend that on useless junk, or something that did not enhance my mind, body and soul. Before I got back home, I convinced myself it was as good as any treat I would purchase. When I got home, and looked it up on Amazon, I was pleasantly surprised!

I went digging on Google and also found several Wellness Subscription boxes. Here is a link to some of the top ones… Top 10 Subscription Boxes. It’s an interesting read, and gives you an overview of some popular wellness products.

Back to my wellness box! What I really like about my Box, is the assortment of 4 categories. It’s like a file system all ready to go. I’m now thinking this will make a great travel pack to throw in my suitcase; even after I’ve gone through all the cards. So what’s in each section, you ask? I’ll post an example from each category; each card has reflection on the back, that you can write right on the card, or journal alongside in a little book.

Self Care is a great overall reminder of little things we can do to make your day brighter. These are all action-oriented, and you can do them along with other chores of the day. Or, take time to put it into action, and then reflect. Might I suggest, on your favorite deck chair?!

Mindfulness. Ahh, yes. Such a big topic, and something I try to focus on daily. The best part is, I can practice it anywhere, anytime. I often include a daily prayer with my mindfulness practice, because it forces me take time to focus…anywhere, anytime. I always end up engaging in conversation with God, and with myself; but as long as I’ve learned to settle my mind and my spirit, it’s all good.

Sleep is a great group of activities that will help make sleep come easier. I admit, this is my hardest category, despite things I might do during the day to alleviate stress at night. My nightly sudoku puzzle helps me unwind a bit, but if you are prone to keep a journal by your bedside, these are enjoyable and thoughtful.

Intuition. Wow. That’s a heavy category. This one is often thought-provoking, and again the backside has some good reflection questions.

So grab a piece of paper, index card, or journal, and go back to the top of this article. Yes…you know what’s coming, don’t you?! Either check out the Amazon order, or hunt around for some other Wellness Activity cards, and start your journey today. Because your worth it!

Wellness Walks: Anchorage Park Trails

welcome to the Anchorage!

This week, Island mailboxes were hit with flyers announcing a new fundraising effort for upgrades to the Anchorage Park Trails. As many of you know, The Anchorage is a very special place to me, for its beaches as well trails. It has been my Go-To spot for many of my Wellness Walk & Talk events. Besides being centrally located, the Anchorage offers a variety of trails that are easy to walk, scenic, and short. I often combine 2-3 trails for an enjoyable walk when I want to add more steps to the latest virtual walking challenge I am working on.

One of my favorites is the Boardwalk. I especially love this one for all seasons. In winter, it can be very picturesque as snow lays on the overhanging canopy of branches. In summer, it can offer protection from the afternoon sun, or heavy winds. If you come up with a hundred reasons NOT to go for a walk, the Boardwalk can offer a hundred reasons to just get out and DO IT! It is very family oriented, and dog friendly. The various look out benches provide quiet spots to sit and meditate, pray, journal or read. They are also great resting spots for the little ones to stop and have a snack, or provide a snack for the squirrels! When Dalton was little, we would seek out the elusive trolls under some of those bridges, and later would hide treats in geocaches along the way with Youth Group. A mighty tree that held growing childhood friends for annual photo shoots has since fallen away. But the memories have not.

Another thing I really like about the Boardwalk, is how the three entry points can give you a very different experience. You might choose to walk the whole length, or just take in a short section. I’ve enjoyed taking the back campground entrance, especially in winter. I love the little bridges. The most popular entrance is by the Fisherman’s Memorial, a very peaceful destination in and of itself. The Red Point Road entrance may seem a little more out the way, but you also get to enjoy the short Hudson Trail down there, before starting on the Boardwalk. I am so grateful to Gene Hudson and his family/friends who take on some of the upkeep.

Looking back on the many years of adventures, it’s no wonder some stretches are in need of repair and upgrades. It has been twenty years of troll hunting and picnic lunches! The only time I recall the trails NOT being accessible was spring of 2020, when COVID restrictions told us we could not keep six feet apart if we were to meet someone along the way.

The proposed upgrades include widening the trail. Many times after a rainfall or ice storm, the boards would be very slippery and treacherous. Those days it is best to avoid the trail. Changes will see a hard-packed gravel laid down instead. I am so excited to think friends bound to wheelchairs will better be able to enjoy the park with friends and family.

I am partnering with the Anchorage to help fundraise and share my love of the trails. I hope you might consider coming out and joining us. As many of you know, I started hosting Wellness Walk & Talks during COVID restrictions, when indoor social gatherings were discouraged. Thankfully, our island is blessed with many walking trails, not just at Anchorage. The short hikes were good for all our state of mind, and continue to be.

Starting on Friday, June 25, I will be hosting weekend Wellness Walks. Visitors to the park will get to explore the area with me, and islanders are welcome to join in. Some of you might not have been on some of the trails ever; others might not have visited in a few weeks. We welcome all of you! If you have friends staying with you this summer, or you have guests staying at your cottages or B & Bs, we welcome you!

Come join us on Friday nights @7pm, or Saturday afternoons @4pm. Cost of the walk is $5 per adult, $3 per child, or $14 per family. Each group is limited to ten participants, so register early. You can pick up your ticket at the Anchorage Office, or text me at (506)662-4246. We will meet at the Picnic Pavilion gate. **all walks are weather pending, so be sure to check in with me if you are unsure.

If you are uncomfortable with crowds, message me to arrange a smaller walking group; or if you would like to arrange an alternate time for private parties, message me.

WHAT TO BRING: Wear comfortable shoes and your mask. Bring along bug spray/sunscreen and water. See you soon!

Long Pond
thanks for respecting NB Public Health guidelines
looks like a good spot to rest/snack
he enjoyed his snack!
gorgeous in the wintertime too!
when was the last time you explored any of the other trails?
my favorite beach at the Anchorage!
Continue reading “Wellness Walks: Anchorage Park Trails”

More Wellness Walk & Talks

(This post originally reprinted from September 2020 Island Times) As summer approaches, I thought it was worth reposting now!

Wellness Walk & Talks

We all know the benefits of walking for our physical health…
It improves our circulation, lowers our blood pressure and keeps our heart happy. It strengthens our muscles and improves our joints and flexibility.
It can also help us sleep better at night. An added bonus can be weight loss, which in and of itself can lead to a whole host of other benefits.
I first started getting serious about walking back when I was pregnant with my son. I was determined to help my body become healthier, mainly for his benefit. Looking back, it was quite an altruistic act; giving little thought to my own needs, but wanting to be sure this baby would enter the world strong and healthy. I started watching what I ate more carefully, and drank plenty of water. By the time he made his appearance, I was likely one of the very few women that could boast of LOSING weight being pregnant, instead of gaining. I felt better overall, too. Thankfully, birth and delivery went well, and a healthy 6-pound, 12-ounce baby boy entered the world.

As we got back into the routine of a two-parent working family; walking, or any form of exercise, proved challenging. Extracurricular activities and sports were encouraged. But the reality is, life happens, and responsibilities continue. I admire those people who make physical activity a priority. But it is hard work…not just the physical exertion, but the mere scheduling. Families are busier than ever before.
When our family was faced with the crisis of a child with a life-threatening illness, I turned again to walking. Once we moved to Fredericton, we had to establish a new routine, revolving around hospital visits. It often included afternoon nap time for kiddo…and a quick,brisk walk for mom. Once again, I was starting to feel better, and starting to sleep a bit better.
Having worked in a stressful job, walking became more and more important for my own mental health. Stanley’s beach and the Anchorage became the venues of choice.
Which brings me to the other benefits of walking…improved mental health.
I won’t say I became obsessed, but I learned to recognize when I needed a walk by the ocean. I became cranky, I would forget things on my To-Do list, and I lost interest in social events. I would wake up knowing today was a day I HAD to find time to walk. If I had lots on my plate through the day/evening, I would walk in the morning before school. Not everyday, but as I felt I needed it. I know my body needs it EVERY day; but my head would let me know when my spirit needed it, too.
Walking can improve your mood, and give you a change of scenery that can help you assess the stressors in your world. Admittedly, it can only help you forget about your worries for awhile, and you still have to go back and face them after. Sometimes we just need to be able to step back, and look at things with a different set of eyes. I learned meditation, prayer and journaling became equally important for my daily routine. Exercise of any form helps release endorphins, the “feel good” chemicals in our body. These chemicals get released in reaction to pain and stress. It is our own natural defence mechanism to these stressors. How cool is that? It is totally normal to have stress and pain…but our bodies were designed to respond to it, to not let it get the best of us. It is up to us to find ways that work best for our own body. Some people find extreme workouts gives them a natural high, and feeling of accomplishment. Others may find the soothing sounds of waves crashing on the shoreline create the same effect. Walking outdoors can have a positive affect on depression and anxiety.
Personally, I found early morning sunrise hikes out to Swallowtail to be most beneficial for me. If you start out while it’s still in the twilight hours, you might be pleasantly surprised to hear a seal, or even a whale. I challenge myself to hike right out to the helicopter pad, where you get the best 360’ view of the peninsula. If you’re lucky, there will be a few odd clouds, to keep the early morning sky interesting. Now you sit and wait. The squirrels will be chattering. The fisherman will be starting out from the wharf. The fog may drift in and out. But all in all, it is the most peaceful place on earth, I am sure. Once your breath is taken away as the sun comes up, I always just enjoy sitting for a few more minutes. Eventually, the village of North Head is waking up, with lights and movement. Eventually, I will start the trek back down, psyching myself up to make it across the bridge and back up the 54 steps. The descent is always easier; the ascent more challenging, and rewarding. As I make more trips out over the summer months, it gets easier and easier.
When I talk with people, some are surprised at how often I go out…I certainly don’t think I go nearly enough. This isn’t about athletic training at all. It’s about mental training for me; building resiliency to the everyday stressors we all encounter. We are so fortunate here on Grand Manan. We have so many beautiful trails we can access for free. We don’t have to fear any wildlife we might encounter. Women can feel quite safe from predators they might come across in a big city setting. Many, if not all, our trails offer beautiful resting spots, which naturally lend themselves to meditation and prayer time. You might want to bring along your camera and journal!
A few people have told me they are uncomfortable walking by themselves; others just want a safe place to vent, or just to know someone is listening…that someone can validate their feelings in whatever they might be facing on any given day. Others are lonely, living by themselves. COVID isolation has amplified those feelings of isolation and loneliness for many.
Some like the idea of just getting out for a little fresh air, but might be intimidated by more rigorous hiking, or running groups.
My series of Wellness Walk & Talks offer people a chance to get out for a short, easy hike of under one hour. Some are during the day, some in the evening, so we can fit around most work schedules. I decided not to stick to a regular day, because my walks are scheduled around the weather forecasts and tide calendar. I like to explore little out-of-the-way paths that people may not even know exist, and would be comfortable returning on their own at a later time. True heart-healthy activities pick up the pace after 30 minutes, but I let the group decide that day if they want to keep going, or stop at the planned time. Some of our walks have included geocache finds and Rock Art hide-n-seek. Whatever your goal, I hope I can inspire you to get out and move, for your mind, body, and soul.
I also offer one-on-one walk & talks, for people who might be uncomfortable around others, or if scheduling issues arise. Just text me at 662-4246, and we can plan on another day/time that works for you.
I look forward to meeting up with some of you on our trails soon.
After all, aren’t we all just walking each other home?

Check out related resources at:
A gentle reminder to respect social distancing and bring a mask, as well as a water bottle and comfortable walking shoes.